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  • Writer's pictureDrue Van Meter

Spring Spring Spring!!!

I'm sitting looking out of my office window at all the lovely green colors and buds waiting to bloom. This is one of the few moments I get to be still...while waiting for some keto goodies to get out of the oven. ;) I love the smell of baked goods, especially the yeasty types that have to rise before baking.......mouth watering......sigh.

During the slow months of baking, we have been searching for a bigger space than my home kitchen in which to bake. We have flitted from buying a building to renovate, to building a food truck from scratch, to ghost kitchening (maybe not a word, but you get it), to leasing a unit to be renovated. We are considering many possibilities. Hoping to be more accessible to you and more by the fall, which will be a lot of hard work. And I'll have to ask of you all to be patient with us. We will be stretched thin if/when we move forward with one of these ideas. We will definitely still be at the Outdoor Farmer's Market beginning on the first Saturday of May.

We are also SOOOOOO close to having an online ordering system heading your way. Once this is live, we will be shouting it from the rooftops! It is my ultimate goal to get all orders from the online ordering system; but I completely get that it will be a transition for all of us.

In the meantime, here is the next menu for the last Indoor Farmer's Market going on April 16th. For now you can pre-order by sending messages here, on Facebook and Instagram, or sending a text or calling :). I hope you get to spend some time out in the sunshine today!

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