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  • Writer's pictureDrue Van Meter

New Year means new beginnings...hopefully :)

Hey all! The new year is coming along and it makes me think about what's in store next year...God willing! That also made me think that you would like to know what we are planning for 2022 :).

Currently, we are setting up an online ordering system; so, instead of messaging us by email, Instagram or Facebook, you'll be able to click away for the goodies you want, the variations you need and the delivery or pickup options that will work for you! There will be a constant main menu, in which we will add various goodies depending on the season.

The biggest hangup about having an at-home bakery is that you all don't have the possibility to just come by and get a few goodies for the week. Hopefully, by the end of next year, that will change. We are currently searching for a building to purchase and renovate OR a kitchen to rent!!!!! If you all have any tidbits or rumors about buildings or kitchens, send them my way ;). This expansion will get us to our next dream step: to incorporate wholesale products. Meaning we will be able to stock local businesses with all the gluten free goodies they could want!

With all of these changes being made in the next year, we will need some additional help. Currently I (Drue) am the one woman show with all the front-end... back-end work....really most all the work, haha. If you have gluten-free baking experience or would like to earn a few extra dollars washing dishes, labeling goodies and being a help in the kitchen, then don't be shy! I would love to meet you and talk shop.

It is a privilege to serve you all! We are all in this thing together; this journey of being able to eat something delicious, without it hurting our bodies.

Enjoy your time celebrating the new year with love and joy! From my family to yours :)

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